I first discovered Billy Buttons when I was planning my wedding and it was love at first sight. Their real name is Crespedia, but billy button sounds way more fun, right? These guys are actually a form of daisy that just grows in little yellow balls of awesome. They are so easy to decorate with. and can alone can give a centerpiece a super modern feel or when paired with other flowers can also look completely flowy (is flowy a word?) and natural.
They are the perfect addition to a wedding design and so easily suit home design as well.
I wanted to incorporate billy buttons into my wedding so badly, but they just did not fit the look at all. Instead I opted for these fern curls. Now though, I try to use these lovelies as often as I can...which lately has been a lot. We used them for Laine's Bay-Bee Sip & See last month in Chattanooga:
And again at the Pink Bridal Show last weekend. Notice the double use of the chevron runner. Do I get stuck on things or what?
Here they are in our styled shoot last spring:
Photos by Chris and Adrienne Scott, Photographers
And on the side table in my living room (leftovers from the Sip & See):
The suckers just seem to last forever. How could you not love them?
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